DS2BMP2A.ZIP - Fast DOS full screen to BMP file picture grabber, by Wim Brul. Handles VGA only, but supports all its graphic AND text modes. OS/2 2.0 and higher. Expected to run under DOS as well. Copyright (c) 1992-1993, Wim Brul, NL1422CG25 May be freely used and exchanged, as long as it is not modified or sold for more than the cost of duplicating disks (i.e. not to exceed $10). When you are satisfied with the product (i.e. you find yourself regularly using it) then please send me $10 or the equivalent amount in your local currency by mail. Contains DS2BMP.TXT (this text file) and DS2BMP.EXE (the fast grabber). o DS2BMP.EXE - DOS full screen to BMP file This DOS full screen program enables you to grab the active DOS screen by simply pressing the PrintScreen key. It writes the grabbed picture in the form of an OS/2 BMP file. The picture may later on be looked at by means of BMP2PM.EXE, which has been separately provided as part of PM2BMP2A.ZIP, or by any other program that handles OS/2 BMP files. The created BMP files are put in the work directory that was current when DS2BMP.EXE has been started and are named DS001.BMP, DS002.BMP and so on till DS999.BMP has been reached, after which it starts all over again with DS001.BMP etc.. To install, create a subdirectory on your hard disk with a name you prefer, e.g. PICTURES, and copy the ZIP file into this directory. After that unzip the ZIP file. To execute, open a DOS full screen window, change the current working directory into the one where you want your BMP files to be put into, and invoke DS2BMP.EXE. From now on you may run any progran as before. Press the PrintScreen key when you want to grab a certain displayed screen. In case the running program has taken full control over the keyboard, it is possible that the PrintScreen key is not working anymore. In such situations DS2BMP attempts to react on your pressing the PF12 key. For comments write to: Wim Brul Marsmanlaan 25 1422 CG Uithoorn The Netherlands